
Your Recipe for a Healthier Life

We have over 9000 healthy, restaurant quality, pre-cooked meals for you. Our menu was developed by a team of Doctors, Nutritionists, and a world class Culinary Team. Get Started

How Lifechef Works

We use the highest quality ingredients for all our meal kits. The meals are made fresh daily, fully cooked and are shipped directly to your door.

Simply place them in your refrigerator, and when ready for a great lunch or dinner – heat up the meal components in the microwave for just a few minutes, plate and enjoy!

Our meals will stay fresh in your refrigerator for up to 7 days – just in time for your next weekly delivery.

It can be interesting
to know

Our menu was developed by a team of Doctors, Nutritionists, and world class culinary Chefs.
You have a possibility to see this process right now.

Why Choose LifeChef?

  • Health

    We know that balancing great taste with healthy meals is tough, but we have developed a one-of-a-kind delicious and nutritious menu which both you and your body will love!

    We start our process by only sourcing ingredients which are non-GMO, organic when possible and free of preservatives, antibiotics, and hormones.

    We plan our portions to keep you fit and healthy.

    Our meals have fewer calories but are packed with nutrients (and yes – they still taste great!!)

  • Personalization

    To create a personal menu for each of our customers, we turned to our Doctors and Nutritionists. They created a unique personal health questionnaire.

    We start our process by only sourcing ingredients which are non-GMO, organic when possible and free of preservatives, antibiotics, and hormones.

    We plan our portions to keep you fit and healthy.

    Our meals have fewer calories but are packed with nutrients (and yes – they still taste great!!)

  • Customization

    A big issues customers continue to have with other pre-cooked meal services is the lack of customization.

    We start our process by only sourcing ingredients which are non-GMO, organic when possible and free of preservatives, antibiotics, and hormones.

    We plan our portions to keep you fit and healthy.

    Our meals have fewer calories but are packed with nutrients (and yes – they still taste great!!)

  • Convenience

    Spend a few minutes configure and order either 4, 6, 12 or 18 meals (each meal consists of 3 components which you can completely customize).

    We start our process by only sourcing ingredients which are non-GMO, organic when possible and free of preservatives, antibiotics, and hormones.

    We plan our portions to keep you fit and healthy.

    Our meals have fewer calories but are packed with nutrients (and yes – they still taste great!!)

Not all meal plans
are created equal

Our menu was developed by a team of Doctors, Nutritionists, and world class culinary Chefs. We use the best combinations of organic, sustainably raised, high quality ingredients for our meal kits.

The meals are made fresh daily, fully cooked, never frozen, have no preservatives and are shipped directly to your door.

  • Simply place them in your refrigerator and when ready for a great lunch or dinner
  • Heat up the meal components in the microware for 2-3 minutes.

When refrigerated, our meals will stay fresh for up to 7 days – just in time for your next weekly delivery!

See All Meals

How it works

  • 1
    Personalize Your Experience
    Take our survey and get Chef’s recommendation to build your menu.
  • 2
    Choose Your Meals
    Select from thousands of pre-made meals, replace components or create your own meal.
  • 3
    Customize meal components
    Combine any components in a way you like and get your special meal
  • 4
    Build Your Meal Plan
    Add 4, 6, 12 or 18 meals to your weekly plan. You can skip, change or pause at any time.
  • 5
    Get Your Delivery Every Week!
    Receive your meals on a selected day every week. Enjoy!
Get Started